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第21号 2002/07/21 聖霊降臨後第9主日


 今回は、聖ピオ十世会総長の友人と恩人の皆様へのお手紙 第62号をお送りします。

友人と恩人の皆様への手紙 第62号
2002年6月7日 メンツィンゲンにて






 何という時代でしょうか! 善が排斥され、悪は非常にしばしば祝福されているのですから。これが今日ただ単にカトリック者であろうと望んでいる多くの司祭たちが経験していることです。何という艱難でしょうか! ロザリオを唱えていたところを捕まって神学校校長から怒られた2名の神学生もいます! 彼らが「特別許可の聖伝のミサ」に与っているところを見られた時は、彼らは枢機卿に直々に怒鳴り散らされたのでした。私たちは全ての本当の不良行為に関して、少なくともそれと同じような叱責が与えられるのを望みたいと思います。



 カンポスはこれからどうなるのでしょうか? カンポスが曖昧な言葉遣いで装備された危険な事業に取りかかろうとする時、私たちは非常に面白いことが起きていることを目撃しています。つまりカンポスの司祭たちとは全く関係のなかったブラジルの男子、女子の様々なカトリック共同体が聖ピオ十世会と連絡を取り聖伝支持の運動に合流したいと望んでいることです! そして彼らは自分たちの将来の神学生たちを聖ピオ十世会の南アメリカの神学校に送りたいというのです。事実ブラジルという巨大な地域の至るとことに散在するかなりの数のカトリック信者たちが今目覚め始めています。そして彼らは、カンポスの援助ではなく、私たちの援助を求めています。何という予想もしなかった展開でしょうか! 驚いています。これはあたかも突然ブラジルという国が聖ピオ十世会の使徒職に大きく開き始めたかのようです。私たちが必要なのは働く人々、つまり司祭、もっと多くの司祭です。










 他方で、4月5日の手紙を厳重な私信として(2重の封筒を使い「親展」「内密」という表書きで)私に送った後数日後には、枢機卿は同じ手紙を聖ピオ10世会の他の3名の会員たちにファックスで送っているのです! 枢機卿が何を求めているのか、何をたくらんでいるのか深く探す必要はありません。事実がそれ自体で雄弁に語っています。ここには私たちを分断しようと言う未遂に終わった真の試みがあったのです。このことは私たちに何をしなければならないかと言うことを教えています。つまり、距離を置け、ということです。




 1966年の典礼改革については、その当時次のようにまで言及した枢機卿たちもいました。「全体といえども、その細部といえども、カトリック神学から大きく離れている」(オッタヴィアーニ枢機卿)と。つい最近でさえラッチンガー枢機卿はそれを自分の言葉としてこう書いています。「教皇権力の典礼分野までの拡大のために、基本的に教皇は典礼に関して、特に教皇が公会議の決定に基づいて行為する場合は、全能であるかのような印象を与えている。この印象の結果は特に第2バチカン公会議後に目に見えている。それは典礼が与えられたものであって自分の思いのままに変えることの出来ることではないということが、西方カトリック者の意識の中から完全に消え失せてしまいました。しかし1870年第1バチカン公会議は教皇を絶対君主としてではなく、啓示された天主の御言葉に従順な保護者として定義したのです。教皇の権能の正当性は、とりわけ教皇が信仰を伝えると言うことに縛られています。信仰の遺産への忠実さと信仰の伝達への忠実さ典礼において特別な仕方で関わってきています。いかなる権威当局も典礼を「作り上げる」ことは出来ません。教皇ご自身は典礼の同質的な発展、典礼の完全性とその同一性の永続のための謙遜なしもべに過ぎないのです。」(ラッチンガー枢機卿『典礼の精神』Ad Solem, 2001, p.134)

 現代の教えが過去の教えと継続性があると言うことに関しては、第2バチカン公会議のキー・ワードである信教の自由に関して「疑うことの出来ない」人たちがこう言っています。「第2バチカン公会議の『信教の自由に関する宣言』のような文書が言っていることが少なくとも言葉面が言っていることをだけを見ても、1864年の『シラブス』とは全く異なっているものであり、事実『シラブス』の第15命題、第77命題、第79命題とはほとんど正反対である、ということを誰も否定できません。」(コンガール神父『教会内の危機とルフェーブル大司教』Cerf, 1976. p.51)

 第2バチカン公会議の『教会憲章』における教会の定義については、やはりラッチンガー枢機卿がこう言っています。「全てを言い尽くしやり尽くした後でさえ、‘subsistit’と‘est’との違いを論理的な観点から完全に解決し尽くすことは出来ません」 (「公会議憲章『教会憲章』の教会論」“Documentation Catholique”, # 2223, p. 311)

 第2バチカン公会議の「啓示憲章」における聖伝の概念については、またもやラッチンガー枢機卿はこう書いています。「よく知られ2つの公会議によっていわば聖化されたレランの文章を第2バチカン公会議にも適応させようという提案を第2バチカン公会議は拒否しましたが、これはまたもやトレント公会議と第1バチカン公会議が時代遅れのものであり、以前の公会議の文書が常に新たに再解釈され続けられたかをしめしています。・・・第2バチカン公会議は歴史的同一性と継続性を断絶させるかと言うことについて新しい考えがありました。レランのヴィンセンシオの言った静的な「常に」という言葉はもやは第2バチカン公会議にとっては問題を表現するのには相応しくないと思われたのです。」(L.Th.K., vol. 13, p. 521).

 第2バチカン公会議の核心の文書となる『現代世界憲章』についてもラッチンガー枢機卿はそれを「反シラブス」である、つまりカトリック教会が出した権威的な1864年の「シラブス」の正反対であると言うことです。ラッチンガー枢機卿は(『カトリック神学の原理』Tequi, 1982, p. 426という本の中で)こう言っています。「もし私たちが『現代世界憲章』の全体にわたる文責を求めているのなら、私たちは、(信教の自由に関する文書と世界の諸宗教に関する文書と関連して)ピオ9世の『シラブス』の見直し、ある種の「反シラブス」であると言うことが出来るでしょう。・・・今ここに『現代世界憲章』が、1789年のフランス革命以降現れた現代世界とカトリック教会とを公式に和解させようとする試みである限りにおいて、『現代世界憲章』は「反シラブス」の役割を演じていると認めましょう。」






Superior General's Letter to Friends & Benefactors #62

June 7, 2002
Dear Friends and Benefactors,

Catholic Tradition in its relations with the Vatican has truly lived through a number of important events over the last two years.

Since Rome first approached us at the end of the year 2000, it seems to us that the time has now come to take stock, and to reply to a number of objections or questions which the whole issue raises. However, we would also like to mention that if we go into these questions, they are not our main pre-occupation. Celebrating the Holy Mysteries, imparting grace in abundance to your souls, being the instrument of numerous and always very touching conversions, is at the heart of our lives, and these are facts which show us to be truly Catholic, whereas all the discussions and disagreements with the Vatican are merely the expression of our will to remain Catholic.

Recently, an important group of seminarians from Bombay joined us. For their seven years at the Seminary, the existence of the Devil was denied, and the word “hell” never once fell upon their ears, any more than the words “Sacrifice of the Mass”. Their coming over to us thought down on our heads the wrath of the Cardinal of Bombay, of course. In the USA, several priests are either joining us or drawing closer. One of them said to me, “I did everything I could not to finish up with you”. That is eloquent testimony: after exhausting all of today’s alternatives, from their own diocese through the Indult Mass to the various “Ecclesia Dei” congregations, these priests and seminarians have come to the conclusion, despite their disinclination and their initial fear of being connected with Traditionalists still being branded as schismatic, that to lend a fully Christian life we are the only way to go.

What confusing times! Good is condemned, evil is all too often blessed. That is the experience of numbers of priests today who simply wish to remain Catholic. What tribulations! Like the two seminarians rebuked by their Rector for being caught red-handed praying the Rosary! But when they were caught attending the Indult Mass, then they wore hauled before the Cardinal in person… We would like to hear of at least comparable reprimands being handed out for all kinds of real misbehaviour.

Yet while a number of priests draw closer to us, Campos is going back to Rome. We think that the decisive argument for Rome to win them over was the promise of a bishop alongside Bishop Range, now gravely ill. They wrote to me that they considered that they could not refuse the Holy Father’s wish to give them a bishop, because “that would be schismatic”. By way of a bishop, all they have is a promise: “I shall give you a successor”. Of course, nobody dares doubt such a promise, but the whole question turns on the identity of this successor; who will he be? Where will he be chosen from? One may well think that Rome win seek to ensure the future bishop’s faithfulness to Vatican II, because some of the Romans still have reservations as to the “orthodoxy” of Campos’ doctrinal stance Suspicion reigns in Rome.

Campos had also been promised freedom to operate throughout Brazil, but when local bishops opposed the idea, then the freedom of action of the Administration granted by Rome shrank back to the limits of the diocese of Campos, period.

What will Campos do? While Campos sets out on its hazardous enterprise armed with ambiguous statements, we see something of great interest happening: at the very same moment several Catholic communities in Brazil of men and women in no way connected with the priests of Campos, have contacted the Society of St. Pius X and wish… to join Traction! And to send their future seminarians to the Society’s South American seminary. In fact a significant number of faithful scattered all over the huge area of Brazil are beginning to react, and are asking for our help, not for the help of Campos. What a surprise development! It is as though suddenly Brazil was opening up to the Society’s apostolate. All we need is workers, meaning priests, and more priests…

Meanwhile, having succeeded in drawing Campos away from the Society and, little by little, from its doctrinal positions, Cardinal Castrillón sent us on April 5 of this year a written reply to our letter of June 22, 2001. In it he proposes to re-start the “dialogue”. Before saying a word about it, let me recall the previous exchanges:

When Rome began by offering to the Society a Juridical structure with official recognition, then, while expressing our readiness to open discussions, we emphasized the need to re-build trust.

For indeed, tens of years of oppression, marginalization, threats, condemnations and veritable persecution because of our remaining attached to the Catholic Church’s Tradition, would not vanish all on their own. So we required by way of pre-condition for discussions a concrete gesture on the part of the Roman authorities; the recognition that the Tridentine rite of Mass was not abrogated, and that the Declaration “excommunicating” any members of the Society was null.

Cardinal Castrillón began by telling us that the Tridentine rite of Mass was liberated in principle, but not in practice. Later he told us it was liberated neither in principle nor in practice, because any such liberation would be to the detriment of the Novus Ordo. As for the nullification of the “excommunication”, that was promised us as soon as there would be an agreement.

Following on this double refusal, further re-inforcing the climate of distrust, the Cardinal wrote a letter on May 7, 2001, which I answered by saying that it was setting up a dialogue of the deaf and going nowhere.

To help things forward, I then proposed a different approach to the whole question. In brief, we laid out that our whole disagreement with today’s Rome was being caused by no culpable ill will on our part, but by a terrible crisis shaking the Church for the last 40 years, as clearly signalled by the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar reforms; we mentioned some facts to show the reality and gravity of this crisis

Now comes the Cardinal in his letter of April 5, one month ago, with a fivefold rebuke: firstly, we are judging the Pope and the Holy See; secondly, we are stating that the Church has lost the Faith; thirdly, we are denying the Pope’s rights over the Church’s universal liturgy, because we are stating that the Novus Ordo Mass is bad; fourthly, we no longer believe in the true concept of Tradition; and fifthly, we are incapable of grasping the continuity of the Church’s past and present, in particular that of Vatican II and the liturgical reform.

Obviously, these points require an answer.

But at the same time this letter clearly illustrates that the dialogue of the deal is not over; how little this Rome understands our position! We might have been willing to go into these various points had the letter not been accompanied by manoeuvres making us recall Archbishop Lefebvre’s words just before the episcopal consecrations of June. 1988, when he said: “The moment for a free and open collaboration between the Society and Rome has not yet come”, words as relevant as ever. The manoeuvres were twofold: -

On the one hand the Cardinal stated in his letter that, given the gravity of the matter in hand, he had always abstained from giving public Interviews; yet only a few days later in an interview given to the prominent Italian newspaper La Stampa, he declared that the Society was divided into two groups: “A large majority ardently desiring reconciliation with Rome to relieve its conscience (Letter of April 5), and a little group of fanatics wanting nothing to do with Rome” (Yet in his letter, the Cardinal expressed his desire not to divide the Society).

On the other hand a few days after sending me the April 5 letter in strict privacy (double envelope, “persona!”, “confidential”), he faxed the same letter to three other members of the Society! There is no need to go looking for what he was up to, the facts speak for themselves, there is a real attempt here to divide us, which tells us clearly what we must do: keep our distance.

In such circumstances, to begin discussions with Rome is not reasonable. It is imprudent, impossible. Truly, these Romans have no idea what we are about.

For us, it is truly scandalous acts, deeds and statements that have forced us to refuse all novelties and to re-double our attachment to the centuries-old teaching and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church, our Mother. So here is the answer to the Cardinal’s fivefold rebuke of April 5:

Firstly, we are not setting ourselves up as judges of the Holy See by merely laying out the facts, such as the Pope’s visiting the Synagogue or the mosque, kissing the Koran, pouring out libations in the Togo forest, receiving the tilak in India, gestures profoundly upsetting Catholics in their Faith. The same is true of numerous other statements and documents. If to mention such facts is to set oneself up as judge, then one must even stop thinking!

Then as to the liturgical reform of 1966, some Cardinals at the time went so far as to say that “it departed significantly from Catholic theology, both as a whole and in detail” (Ottaviani Intervention). And even recently Cardinal Ratzinger took it upon himself to say that “this extension of papal power in the domain of the liturgy gave the impression that the Pope, basically, was omnipotent over the liturgy, especially if he was acting based on a mandate from an Ecumenical Council. The results of this impression were particularly visible after Vatican II, that the liturgy is in fact something given and not a reality to be manipulated at will, had completely disappeared from the consciousness of western Catholics. Yet Vatican I in 1870 had defined the Pope to be not an absolute monarch but the guarantor of obedience to the revealed Word. The legitimacy of his power was bound up above all with his transmitting of the Faith. This fidelity to the deposit of the Faith and to its transmission concerns in a quite special way the liturgy. No authority can ‘fabricate’ a liturgy. The pope himself is only the humble servant of its homogenous development, its integrity and the permanence of its identity” (“Spirit of the Liturgy”, Ad Solem, 2001, p.134).

Then as far as the continuity of modern doctrines with the past is concerned, here is what persons “above all suspicion” say concerning religious liberty, key text of Vatican II: “it cannot be denied that a text like Vatican II’s ‘Declaration on religious Liberty’ says, at least as far as the words go, something quite different from the ‘Syllabus’ of 1864, in fact just about the opposite of sentences 15, 77 and 79 of the ‘Syllabus’” (Fr. Yves Congar, “The Crisis in the Church and Archbishop Lefebvre”, Cerf, 1976. p.51) Then as to the definition of the Church in Vatican II’s “Lumen Gentium”, again Cardinal Ratzinger says, “One cannot, when all is said and done, fully resolve from a logical point of view the difference between ‘subsistit’ and ‘est’” (“Ecclesiology of the Conciliar Constitution ‘Lumen Gentium’”, in “Documentation Catholique”, # 2223, p. 311) Then on the concept of tradition in Vatican II's “Dei Verbum”, again Cardinal Ratzinger writes: “Vailcan II’s refusal of the proposal to adopt the text of Lerins, familiar to and as it were sanctified by two Church Councils, shows once more how Trent and Vatican I were left behind, how their texts were continually re-interpreted… Vatican II had a new idea of how historical identity and continuity are to be brought about. The static ‘semper’ of Vin-cent of Lerins no longer seems to Vatican II adequate to express the problem” (L.Th.K., vol. 13, p. 521).

Then on the Council’s key text “Gaudium et Spes”, Cardinal Ratzinger describes it as a Counter-Syllabus, in other words the opposite of the Catholic Church’s authoritative “Syllabus” of 1864. The Cardinal writes (“Principles of Catholic Theology”, Tequi, 1982, p. 426), “If we seek an over-all analysis of ‘Gaudium et Spes’, we could say that it is (linked with the texts on religious liberty and on world religions), a revision of Pius IX’s ‘Syllabus’, a sort of Counter-Syllabus… Let us recognize here and now that ‘Gaudium et Spes’ plays the part of a Counter-Syllabus insofar as it represents an attempt to officially reconcile the Church with the modern world as emerging since the French Revolution of 1789”.

Thus far Cardinal Ratinzger. For our part, we believe in the homogeneous development of doctrine, as the Church has always taught. But the Catholic Faith, which does not do away with the law of non-contradiction, obliges us also to reject any heterogeneous development of doctrine.

In conclusion, we see how far Cardinal Castrllón has gone wrong... All of us desire the Church’s unity, a unity grounded in the Faith, carried out around Peter confirming his follow bishops in that Faith, and consummated in the union of Catholics in the Eucharist. To preserve that unity, all of us, to obey our Catholic conscience, have had to avoid driving onto the broad and easy highway proposed by the Conciliar reforms. It is to ease our conscience that we are where we are, and our conscience would be in no way eased if we were to suddenly set out on a path which, precisely in order to stay Catholic, we have refused for 30 years.

In the name of the Faith of our baptism, in the name of our baptismal pledges to which we promised to remain faithful, we say “No” to anything that does not ensure our salvation. Such is our right. Such is our duty.

May the Sacred Heart fill you with his burning charity, with an unfailing love for the Church and for its hierarchy however much they are presently making us suffer, with a love for souls, souls to be saved at the price of our uniting with Our Lord’s Sacrifice, the Holy Mass that will make us ever stronger in the Faith and in Our Lord’s love, bringing about reparation and satisfaction. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all for souls.

+ Bernard Fellay
Feast of the Sacred Heart Menzingen, June 7, 2002



トマス小野田圭志 (聖ピオ十世会司祭)